Monday, July 16, 2012

Seth can home from the hospital yesterday because there isn't anything they can do for him there. Found out he doesn't really have pneumonia. Doctors say there's nothing wrong with him besides his condition, but he sounds like he has some type of sickness. Please continue to pray!!! Selah came home yesterday too! She had surgery and is looking very healthy afterwards!! We took baby Rachel in as well because we thought she had the same thing as Seth. They took some blood and ran a few tests but she can home with us too! Riding in a car with 6 adults (driver, two nannies, me, Lindsay, and Jenny) and three babies is very crowded! Wish I had gotten a picture of it!! (:
The first picture is of Seth, then baby Rachel (:

1 comment:

  1. Just keep lovin' on them babe, your doing a great job. - Dad
